Saturday 20 April 2024

Season 10 - Episode 16

This time, Eden's sharing how she's getting on with GCSE mocks and past papers, Mirabelle's performing on stage as a famous character, and we're taking a mini-break in Blackpool.

Friday 29 March 2024

Season 10 - Episode 15

It's nearly Easter and Eden's talking about how she's preparing for some mock GCSEs. Mirabelle's discussing anatomy experiments, swimming badges and seed planting. Asher's doing an interesting astronomy experiment with fizzy cola, and we're discussing art movements, the end of our middle east topic and a film festival we took part in.

Sunday 10 March 2024

Season 10 - Episode 14

In this episode, Eden's joined a newspaper writing team, Mirabelle's enthusing about her trip to Crufts, we're feeling sad at finishing a beloved book series, and we're having fantastic adventures on various day trips.

Sunday 25 February 2024

Season 10 - Episode 13

This time we're getting excited by what's appeared in our garden pond, Mirabelle's been learning about the sense of smell, we've finished more read-alouds in our Middle-Eastern topic and we're enjoying some classic movies.

Sunday 11 February 2024

Season 10 - Episode 12

In this episode Mirabelle and Luke are finding the first signs of spring in the garden, Eden's giving an update on her GCSE preparation and time management, Asher's making a DNA model out of sweets, and we're also talking about our recent Middle Eastern feast and trip to the West Midlands Police Museum.

Sunday 28 January 2024

Season 10 - Episode 11

As we approach the end of January we're participating in the Big Garden Birdwatch. Asher gives an update on his astronomy study and an experiment about twinkling stars, Mirabelle's studying bones, and we're talking about Islamic art and our current Ambleside free reads.

Sunday 14 January 2024

Season 10 - Episode 10

It's our first episode of 2024, Eden's sharing her interesting resolution for the year, we're doing some stargazing, and we're talking about the new topics we're starting which include Astronomy, Anatomy and a new Middle East topic.